Our windows and doors are moving down the manufacturing line and are getting ready to be put in a container to make their way across the pond. Did you miss the post about closing our construction loan, you ask? Nope. Still working on it – but – since this is the longest leadtime item, as well as the most geographically distant component, we are moving forward with the purchase. We had hoped to have financing done and ground broken by now….
Anywho – here are the pics. We’re the first buyer for these PassivHaus certified windows in the US. We’re also using some funky orange doors with German hardware and handles and locks – but this is the way to get crazy R values for the entire window. I am sure hubby will be expounding on the windows and doors, and I will be updating Our Partners to include the manufacturer (Stabil) – but for now – here’s some eye candy.
- Plain entry door
- Entry and man doors
- Patio Doors and Windows
- Edge and insulation detail
- Closeup of the insulation
- Large windows with transoms
- Crates for shipment
- Wrapped up and installation extras
- Crated and wrapped
- Precious Cargo
Guess now I really have to pay for them, huh? That’s another entry – but we are getting close on the appraisal and construction loan. Looks like this thing is getting ready to happen.